Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Pooh's Corner: DCP Character Audition...

Wow, I'm actually pretty proud of myself for keeping up with this! 
Here's the 3rd video of the DCP Application Process! I had fun with this one, mainly because I got to finally have Kassie in a video! I was also super excited to show off the Pooh Bear TsumTsum she got me as an early graduation present! He's so cute! I'm also pretty proud of myself for having recorded this before midnight- see that back there? That's the sun! Wow! But, of course, it's only because I'm currently in Finals and really have nothing better to do, haha...

This video is pretty self-explanatory. What I love about the program is how they try to make everything real easy to understand. As mentioned, the audition process was very simple. Now, going in, I had completely different expectations- I had seen another video that said we would talk with the casting directors and be measured 1st, then go into the dance audition, all in a big group; however, we did things a bit backwards. I'm certain it was because there were so many applicants, they had to really divide and conquer. After signing in, Kassie and I were sent to a small dance studio with approximately 20-30 others. For the next few hours we sat around, talked, got to know each, and even played a few group games. Eventually we were taken into a larger studio to meet with the choreographer. We learned a very simple 4-step dance routine to a remix of "Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride," and as soon as we were done learning, he sent for the Casting Director. She sat at the front of the room while we performed in groups of 4 across the floor. There was enough space for 3times through the steps, and when you reached the end, you had to scurry away to allow room for the next group. And that was it. After a few minutes of deliberation, the Casting Director called out some numbers- the lucky few stayed for the next round and the rest of us left. (Although I have an idea as to what happened in the following hours of the audition, having not experienced it 1st hand, I'd rather just leave it there). And this is where my DCP Character Audition Adventure ends...!
Thousands upon thousand of students across the country were trying for the few hundred spots available as a character audition, so I was totally ok with not making the cut. Honestly, I had a blast. I got to meet some cool people and geek out about Disney- what could be better?? What I do know, is at the end of my Fall Program I will totally try again! 
I would also like to add, for those of you unsure whether you should try the audition or not: DO IT!! I promise you'll have a lot of fun! Also, don't be nervous. I was lucky- 2days prior to the audition I received my Acceptance Letter, so I wasn't nervous at all walking into the audition. Sure, I was a bit shy when it came to the actual performance, and of course I tripped all over myself, but I didn't care- I knew that no matter what I was going to Disney! Remember: the choreographer and casting directors are all super nice and truly want to see you succeed. And even if you screw up, just keep smiling! 
The role I really want isn't a Princess, like most girls I know, but a Parade Performer. So in the next year, I'll be sure to work harder than ever at my dancing skills and trying NOT to be shy when it counts the most! (^-^) 

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