Thursday, April 30, 2015

Attack On Titan Addicted... #tbt

Just as the title says: I've become Attack On Titan Addicted...!
  It all started one summer day when my brother and I were looking for a show to watch together. We kept scanning through the various titles available on Netflix and when we passed by this show, "Attack On Titan," I figured why not?? I had heard a lot of great things about the show in the past year and had been told several times over that I NEEDED to watch it. 20minutes later, as the credits began to roll, I sat in awe. I looked over at my brother who was in control of the remote and said, "NEXT EPISODE!" and that was it. 
 I completed the whole 1st season in just two days. Poor Nicky (my brother) wanted to watch something else but I just kept saying, "NEXT EPISODE" over and over. Around 1AM when he disappeared off to his bedroom, I remained behind to keep watching. I was so annoyed when I had to "spend time with the family" because I just wanted to watch my show! (haha) After the 1st Season was over I was ready for the next one, too bad there wasn't one..! I searched and searched all over the internet only to be disappointed. There was only the 1st season and season 2 wouldn't be put into production for another couple years! WHAT THE HELL!? I couldn't stand it. That night I watched all of the OVAs and even downloaded a Manga App for my phone JUST so that I could have more Shingeki no Kyojin in my life!
  To this day I've seen the whole 1st season 5times over. After I finished it by myself I completed it with Nicky, then again with my sister, Suzette, back-to-back. After a couple months I couldn't stand the lack of Attack On Titan in my life, so I rewatched it... again.... And only a couple months ago I introduced the show to one of my best friends, Kim. I've watched the first episode several times over, whilst introducing the series to others, and I've read the manga from beginning to end twice over, as well as all the spin-offs. I'm completely caught up, even, and I can't stand it!! Plainly put: I'm just a little, kinda, obsessed with Attack On Titan.... (>____<)
  Don't ask me why, it's just such a damn good show! It's one of those psychological, action-packed, horror, thrillers that really makes you think. In the beginning it's all about the blood, the gore, the Titans. The farther along you get in the series you really start to wonder: "What are these 'Titans'?" and "Where did they come from??" And it's those questions and your own curiosity that fuel your need for more! The series continues to feed you more unanswered questions and you drive yourself crazy trying to find the answers. Another major aspect about the show that I absolutely LOVE is the fact that no character is safe. It's very much like Game Of Thrones where you may grow attached to a character for several episodes and then suddenly- bam- they're dead. And although it's heartbreaking, it drives the story on so well and I can never get enough! And don't even get me started on those fucking amazing 3-D Maneuvering Gear!!
  I'd rather not sit here and give a synopsis/ review of the show, because I'm sure to spoil it. It's just one of those things you just have to see it for yourself! Just take my word for it, I've watched a lot of shows, like a LOT, of all types and genres and this one has jumped into my top favorites so fast, it's quite ridiculous. I know it took a good year for me to finally watch it (I hate getting into things when the hype is so high- what a hipster thing to say, haha), but now I see why it's so popular!
  All-in-all, I fucking love, love, LOVE this show. I've been thinking about it a lot more recently, and I've realized that I have yet to rewatch it in English Dub. I'll most likely do that soon...! If you haven't seen this show, and you love crazy awesome shows with action, blood, and a fucking wicked story plot- WATCH IT. Whether it's in English as Attack On Titan, or in Japanese as Shingeki no Kyojin, it's an amazing show and I absolutely can not wait for more!!

P.S. my favorite characters are totally Levi and Armin... and maybe Eren and Sasha... Just saying... <3

Throwback Thursday...

I realized that I have a lot of incomplete posts from last summer, many that I would love to complete! SO, I decided to go ahead and complete and post them on Thursdays as a sort of Throwback! That way I can still post the stories as well as keep myself disciplined in making sure I am posting AT LEAST once a week! (^-^)
And for a quick update, since I haven't posted much recently: I've been super busy and will soon have plenty to post about! On top of Graduation and Disney College (vlog being renamed to Pooh's Corner), my Movement II class has been AMAZING! We had field trips to the circus and to a pole dancing class, and so much more! My sister is having her baby THIS weekend, &&& I no longer work at Subway! So, ya, plenty to post and catch-up on, so stay tuned! (^-^)

Friday, April 10, 2015

Dreams Come True...

I finally got to upload the first video for my Disney College Program Vlog! The recording is a  bit shaky, the lighting sucks, and I'm completely scattered-brained throughout most of it- but I had fun making it! I recorded this on March 18th, and it only got uploaded on April 9th... How sad... But now that I have a computer to use I'll be sure to create more of my DCP Vlog Series: Dreams Come True! I'll also be sure to figure out how I can make it better... (-u-) I'm looking into cameras that would be better for Vlogging, but it may be a while till I can purchase one. For now, though, here is my first video!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Final Stretch...

  Surprise, surprise- I haven't posted anything in MONTHS even though I said that I would... Well, here we are again, and in a different year. But most importantly, in the final months of my Senior Year at The University of North Texas! 
  Everyone keeps asking whether I'm excited or not- of course I am! I'm excited to finally be DONE with school! After 16years of constant schooling I am so ready to move onto the next chapter of my life! Sure, I may be scared to "grow up" and have to start doing "adult" things like paying more bills and finding a way to live on my own- but I am SO ready for something else in my life! It's been a bit difficult this past year, though, mainly because my heart just hasn't been into it. I never want to go to classes (unless they're my Theatre classes) and I hate having to do my homework. Plus I'm having to juggle all my classes (18hours) and work && labs- it's a whole lot of work & I am exhausted! There's also the added bonus of having easy access to constant distractions (Social Media & Netflix) and my distractions almost always win the battle...! (-u-) 
  Anyways, yes, I am excited to graduate! But what I'm even more excited for is what's happening after I graduate: DISNEY COLLEGE! After all these years of hoping & dreaming of the opportunity to participate in the Disney College Program, I made it in!!! My current roommate, Kassie, also made it- so not only will I be living the dream working at Disney World, I'll be able to experience all of the magic & wonder with one of my best friends!! The program is actually one of the main reasons why I'm back to blogging. Throughout the program I'm wanting to Vlog, so naturally having a blog going alongside the postings would be relevant. I'm not too sure how it's going to work (mainly since I've never Vlogged before) but I'll figure it out! I can't wait to get started- I actually already have the 1st video ready for my to edit & post in the upcoming week! So, here's the beginning of my Disney Vlog Journey, and the continuation of this whole "Blogging Thing" <3