Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Break!

   So very excited to be typing this up at my home! We just got here waaaaay early this morning & it was such a nice drive! Kim's grandpa drove up in a rental & Kim drove us home. We had Starbucks & listened to Christmas music on Delilah the whole way! It was so great & relaxing! We made it in around 2this morning & Mom & I caught up till around 3. Not much has happened since I've left, but Nicky & the dogs were pretty excited to see me!
   Kim & I talked about how we were looking forward to being home & the whole drive I kept pointing out things like, "Ooh! Waco! We're halfway there!" & "Austin! 2hours!" & "SanMarcos! 45minutes!" Ya... I was pretty hyped... But, when we finally reached BexarCounty & entered familiar territory, the journey became pretty anticlimactic... It felt like I was just returning from an AG trip or something. But it was great to sleep in my bed again! ^-^

Make-Up Hours

  I've been talking a lot on Twitter about having to get hours for my make-up shop, so I thought I'd explain it more here...
  In my Stage Production class, I have to get 24hours in the Paint Shop, 24hours in Make-Up shop, & 12hours in Ushering. I only have to get 5more hours for Painting & 1more ushering job, BUT I still need 17hours for Make-Up & my times' almost up!! 
  When I first found out that I had to do make-up hours, I went and got my contract signed right away. Barbara Cox told me that I had to talk to the Student in charge of the shop to get my hours, Zoya. So, I tried for a couple of weeks to meet with her when her hours said she'd be there, but she was NEVER there! So, FINALLY I caught her one morning & all she told me was to give her my schedule & she'd work something out, & at the time she seemed really cool! So, next day, I left her a hardcopy of my schedule & she emailed me to meet her at lunchtime to sign up for hours.... But, again, she wasn't there... After a couple of weeks, I found her while she was in a Theatre class & basically forced her to sign me up for hours (about a week before Halloween). But, when Monday came around, I arrived at 9AM & waited... & waited.. &&waited... for 30minutes & she never showed. Twice this happened & I figured she had just forgotten or something. On a Wednesday, when I had hours, I asked her if she had been there & she said she was... & she also said that if there was ever a time that she WASN'T there I was supposed to find a girl named Suzanne... But she had never told me!! So I missed 4hours of shop time that I could have used!!
   Now, after doing Make-Up hours, I am so glad it's almost over... All I've been doing, over & over again, is brushing out wigs...  & she always ignores me & just hangs out with her friends across the hall. And she keeps expecting me to know things without her even telling me! And already, 3times, I've had to ask Suzanne to sign me in & I've also had to wait for her at LEAST 10minutes before she'd arrive... Uuuugh.. I'm just tired of having to deal with all of this dumb crap... I just can't wait for the end of the semester.  And I think I'll be fine (grade-wise) if I just finish up my other hours, & get as MANY Make-Up hours as I can! &, if anything, I don't mind having to explain everything to my teacher! So ya... I'm tired of this first semester! Let's just move on, please! >.<

Monday, November 7, 2011


Favorite Monster High Character:

((I'm 55% like Draculaura!!))
I want all the Draculaura Merchandise!
She's just so adorable!! 


I've Become Addicted tu Monster High!! 
The show, characters, & merchandise are all just so AMAZING!! 
Favorite Characters: Draculaura, Frankie, Ghoulia, Lagoona


I think Squirrels are funny

Sunday, November 6, 2011

COMMunications Fair Commercials

Our 1st COMM Commercial:

Our 2nd COMM Commercial:

((Kuz we worked hard on them! >.<))

Elevator Skit

Nataly, Max, Torian, & I met up tu film more footage for another COMM Fair Commercial!


COMMunity Interviews

Went around campus with Nataly & Max interviewing random people for our commercial for the COMMunications Anti-Racism Fair. 


Thanksgiving Chibi Forms!

Kim & me as KickButt Indians:
 Our NonOfficial Suite-Mate, Kelsey, as the Turkey:
 Our Suite-Mates as the Pilgrims:
I had fun drawing myself as an Indian & the Kelsey Turkey!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Went shopping today & I found some little girl fake nails with the Disney Princesses!! I HAD to get them! It's a good thing I have small hands, otherwise, they wouldn't have fit. ^-^

Recording Sessions

We had to meet for 5 hours straight, two days in a row, to record the Green Brigade 2011 cd. On Friday, we had our session from 5-10PM & recorded Malaga, Gimme Some Lovin', & Divas Movements 1&2. Then, we had to wake up so EARLY on Saturday for our session from 7:30-12PM & finished the cd by recording Divas Movement 3, Any Way You Want It, & Sing,Sang,Sung. 
 It was an exhausting 2days of recordings, & we weren't allowed tu talk, && we had tu stand every time we played since the Woodwinds were sitting in the audience seats... Repetition after repetition of the same 10 or so measures become boring, but I guess it will have been worth it in the end. I can't wait till the cd's ready! I wanna hear it! ^-^

Thursday, November 3, 2011


 Sadly, Halloween was on a Monday (the worst day of the week) & I was supposed to do Make-Up shop hours at 9, && I happened to wake up late... So, after gathering my things & getting dressed, I rushed out & didn't even have time to put on my make-up, & the girl wasn't even there. I waited 30minutes & NADA!! So, I just went ahead to my advising with Sally Vahle to get my codes for my Theatre classes. I can't wait to register for the Spring Semester! November 10th needs to already be here! >.<
 I had SO MUCH FUN being Snow White & walking the campus!! Everywhere I went people saw me & smiled... I like making people smile. While I was in the Theatre building, a teacher saw me & told me that I looked adorable. Then, just 10minutes later, she was talking to another teacher, dragged her over to where I was sitting and had me stand up & twirl around so she could see & kept going on about how adorable I was! I couldn't stop laughing. And when I went to the computer lab, a guy said, "Man, every time I see someone dressed up, I feel bad for not doing it..." And when I was heading back to Kerr, a girl SOMEHOW saw me from behind & asked to take a picture! It was so AWESOME!! I guess that's how it feels to be in Cosplay...? ^-^
 Costumes I saw/heard about: 2Zombies, Victorian Dress, Batman, Gorilla Suit & passing out Bananas, MadHatter (girl), Fairy, White Trash, Alice in Wonderland, 3Black Cats, Tiger, Lion, Baseball Player, Gumby, Spider-Man, SailorMoon, 2Kigurumis, Superman, Banana Suit, Jester, Vampire, && Jesus!!
 Sorry I don't have any pictures of these amazing people, but it was so cool to see everyone dressed up & watching all of these characters running laps for Band Practice! ^-^