Friday, April 6, 2012

Working Girl!

 You may have guessed from the title, but this post is obviously about Subway! I just got my first part-time job there! Since Kim has been working there since last semester, she was able to pull some strings toe get me a job! I know understand how it feels to not want to go to work... Haha, oh well! I need the money for the Japan trip, which seems to be going pretty well! Although it seems that I'm going to have to pay for the trip myself, I'm hoping that with this job I'll be able to get enough money for my summer tuition!! >.<
 Anyhoos, I'm really enjoying this job! Everyone's pretty cool, even if they are mainly druggies, they're just awesome people! And the work is real easy... I work mainly nights, especially closing, and everything's been going smoothly. It gets tiring every now-and-then, but I'm always able to wear a smile. And some of the people may be frustrating at times, but work is work, and I'll just have to deal with it for now. I'm just happy that I was fortunate enough to get this job, sure it's just sandwich making and pays minimum wage, but there are a lot of people who are unemployed right now in America, and I'm one of the lucky few! Oh, I'm also going to try and use Subway as an opportunity to ween myself back onto meats for Japan, so I'm planning on trying all of our sandwiches!! Too bad employees still have to pay 1.08$ for our 6inch, but I'll deal. Well, wish me luck at my new job!! ^-^

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