Thursday, January 4, 2018

Another Day Another Typical New Year's Post...

I ended up working for my birthday &&& New Year's this time around! Luckily, I'm not much of a partier, so getting to go home & relax to the sounds of Disney Fireworks made for a fantastic evening. <3 nbsp="" span="">

It's officially 2018 which means I have to make the obligatory New Year's Resolution Post..! 
First off, I've got to say that I'm pretty proud of all that I accomplished in 2017. Now, I'm not going to make some sappy post about the crap that happened because I believe in Good Vibes Only. I plan on working this year to leave the "Behind in my Past" and move on to a better year.

Allow me to do a refresher on my "2017 Goals":

"For 2017 I want to pamper myself- take care of myself- enjoy my time. 
I've made list of random purchases I plan to "splurge" on, since I never do that. My "Gift to Self" List.
And by taking care of myself,that also means getting my hair & nails & body taken care of regularly! (I even have a small collection of bath bombs that I am stoked to finally try out! *w*)
I may be starting this year out broke (what's new?), but at least I'm not in "Family Debt" anymore! I want to work a lot so I can have some actual spending money, but find that perfect balance between Work & Rest.From 2016 I plan to continue leaning towards Clean Eating Habits & Working Out.
Spend time out and about, hang out with my friends.
Explore Orlando/ Florida! Who knows how long I'll be here??
Continue to attend Auditions. Be confidant. Never Give Up!
Continue my Reading List that is ever-growing!!
Work on my Shows and watch more Movies.
Visit the parks and events, obviously!
And definitely work on my Languages! That is one thing I failed on this past year and would like to focus on this time around.
And, of course, continue to slowly work my Poke'mon: Princess Debut! I've let it go these past few months, but I thoroughly enjoy my time writing, so hopefully I'll be able to stick to it."

Now, here's what I had posted way back in 2016:

Read More!
Watch More Movies!
Catch up on Shows!!
Practice Japanese!
&&&& Spanish...!
Work on Poke'mon: Princess Debut!
Keep up with a Workout Routine!
Eat Healthy!
Get out of "Family Debt" (>v<)
Meet all the Disney & Universal Characters!
Actually GO SHOPPING!?
Hang out with Friends & Family/ Stop being a HERMIT!

....I'm seeing a bit of a pattern... I CAN SAY that in 2017 I did a much better job at keeping up with bill and family and friends! If my friends asked to hang out, I usually found a way to make it happen. I attended a few events at the parks, but still sucked at being a Hermit in general. Haha, I don't think that will ever change. A major success of mine was the amount of BOOKS I read this year, and the number of shows and series I completed or even just caught up on! I'm going into the New Year completely caught up on ALL my shows! As for my language skills and debt, well, it could be better. In actuality, I don't think I've ever been this much in debt before. But somehow, it'll all work itself out and I truly believe that. 

I started the year on a good foot, in terms of my health: Suzette & I will be participating in the Disney Full Marathon!! Keeping up with a genuine workout routine is something I still need to work on, but in the past year I've certainly succeeded in my goal of being healthy! Another major success of 2017 was pampering myself. Though I can definitely do better at giving myself some "Me Time," I'm off to a pretty good start. I've updated my fashion a bit and have slowly started breaking out of my social shell thanks to my new job within Entertainment. 2018 is going to be a most wondrous year, and I just know it. I'm leaving Florida -officially- and moving to Cali, I'm traveling to Europe, and I plan on finally starting the next chapter in my acting career. I know and fully understand that my "big break" won't come overnight, or anything, but I can't express how excited I am to just get the ball rolling. 

So! Here's to another amazing year! Bring it, 2018!! 

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