Friday, October 2, 2015

I Put A Spell On You...

It's definitely been a good while since I've posted anything- half of the reason is because I've been so busy since I arrived in Florida, and the other half is because I have limited use of my computer..! The sad truth is that one of the boxes that got left behind in Texas, it turns out, had my computer charger!! I feel so dumb, having left it behind, but there's really nothing I can do about it from here..! So, I've been having to manage by borrowing limited charger use from my roommates, but until something gets figured out (or I decide to use the computer lab), my posts are gonna be kind of limited as well...
Anyhoos, I've been living in Florida and working at Walt Disney World for almost 2months now!! It's been full of all kinds of fun & exciting adventures- I've taken tons of photos, met lots of people, worked a whole lot, and done a whole lot of nothing/ relaxing/ randomness... so it's been nice... This post, however, isn't going to be about catching up on my life at the moment. If it wasn't obvious from the post title, it's that time of year again: when I feel the need to watch a horror/ halloween movie everyday!! 31days of Halloween Movies has begun!!!!
In honor of Magic Kingdom's Not-So-Scary Halloween parties (which includes a horrifically fabulous performance by the Sanderson Sisters) the 1st movie I decided to watch this Halloween season was Hocus Pocus! It, along with The Nightmare Before Christmas, are the only movies I watch every year during October- last year it was one of the last and this year it was the first! Maybe it's because they're Disney movies, or because I love the classic- yet original- storylines, but I just love these movies! Hocus Pocus is always a fun treat to watch and it still cracks me up every time!! It's hilarious, corny, fun, cute, and soooo 90's! Plus, Jason Marsden is the voice of Thackery Binx who is also played by a baby-faced Sean Murray (McGee from NCIS! ^-^ )!! No matter how old I get I will always love this movie! And for all you youngins that have never seen Hocus Pocus- WATCH IT!!!
Happy October!! Let the Festivities Begin!!

Rating: 10/10

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