Thursday, June 18, 2015

Samurai 7 #tbt...

~* July 18th- 20th *~
I feel that this year was one of the most chill and relaxing cons I have ever attended. I was bouncing from panel to panel and was fortunate enough to meet so many fantastic people, but I never felt rushed or frazzled. And during any downtime, I would just slip off to the hotel room and watch tv or take a nap. It was so nice to just spend time with great friends and enjoy the event.
As always, my favorite panels were the VA panels- no matter what we talk about, I just love listening to their stories. It's always inspirational. It's these people that remind me every year how much I want to fight for my dreams of becoming an actress! (^-^) 

As usual, I had by Alice costume as well as my Pooh Bear Kigurumi! It's my goal to have a real cosplay for next year!! I will! (*o*)

As a sort of, Veteran Con-Goer, I've stopped taking a million pictures of everything & everyone. However, when I see something amazing, like a beautiful Malon Cosplayer, I couldn't resist the urge to talk to her! I loved the detail that went into her cosplay- she even had real milk! 

And then I met an awesome Sandy Claws who even went out of their way to wear stilts for their cosplay!

And lastly, this gem of a cosplay! The detail that goes into cosplay is fantastic!! This person's Majora's Mask was absolutely beautiful! 

But the best part about attending conventions, especially for a collector like myself, is being able to find things like this!! X/1999 (also known as X) is a 90s series by my favorite Mangakas, CLAMP. Although it's common knowledge to never buy products on the 1st day, when I found this at the FUNimation booth, and only 2minutes walking around, I had to have it!!! It was only $15, and you can't find this really anywhere, normally!! What a fantastic find!

I'm so fortunate to have such wonderful friends, like the Harkiewiczes, who share my love for the wonderful world of Anime. It's sad that since graduating high school we never see each other, but at least we have San Japan every year! I can't wait to see them at the next con! 

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