Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Blog Title...

  As mentioned the last time I redid my blog, I feel like anytime I tweak it, I stick to blogging for some time; however, the name I changed it to in itself makes me want to keep up with my posts.
  Allow me to explain: when I first came to blog, it was just another thing I decided to try, like Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr- you know, just another social media of sorts. The next time, when I redid my whole blog, I changed its name: "And on Towards the Sky." This saying comes from one of my absolute favorite shows, Kaleido Star, as I explained when I redid the page. (I even did a whole couple posts about the show). The second time I redid my blog, I kept the name, changed the layout & began to treat it like a diary, except, like every diary I've ever owned, I hardly ever wrote in it. THIS TIME: I tweaked the page &&& changed the title: "No Day But Today." I've really wanted to change the title for a while, hence the few months of it being "Sweet Dreams," but I could never think of a perfect blog title- a title that was very ME. I kept thinking about some of my favorite words & things: Dreams, Disney, Otaku, Anime, Daydreamer, etc... I just couldn't get it! Last night, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I was spending time with my cousins in Dallas. We were watching RENT, a wonderful & beautiful musical, I hadn't seen it before (even though I actually OWN it), but I loved it! Or rather, I loved what I saw, seeing as how I fell asleep halfway through it (- -;).  But I woke up the last 30 or so minutes, just as they kicked off, "No Day But Today," and suddenly, it clicked! That was my new blog title!!
  I realized that I've always been the type of person to rush into things, that I'm always, ALWAYS, thinking forward towards my future, which is great, but not always the best game-plan. All last year I had to keep telling myself that I had to learn to live for every day & for every moment. I doubt I will ever be able to completely change myself, being the forward thinker I am, but if I only keep my eyes facing one direction, I'll just continue to miss so much. And so, this year, I plan to actually LIVE. I don't want to forget anything. I want to be able to have moments everyday: the good, the bad, and the great; I want them all. I'm only 21, but after living through family members with Dementia and Alzheimer's, at the same time having so many babies joining the family, as well as realizing just how close I am to graduating college!! I plan to live for No Day But Today, and by doing so, I'll have so many moments I won't be able to keep up with my posts! But, I'll give it a try! (^-^)
  Well, I guess I'm doing good so far- 2posts within a week's time, yay! I plan to keep the Diary/Letter format, since that's what I'm most familiar with (teehee). I don't know exactly WHO I'm "writing" to, since I have like ?4? followers- maybe just to a future me?? Anywhoos, till next time!

Sincerely Yours,
Lisette Monique Diaz  

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