Friday, January 13, 2017

16 Going On 17...

It's another year & here I go making empty promises to myself...
The first promise?? That I'll blog more... lol We'll see..! 
I was looking back on last year's New Year's post and I do have to say that I'm pretty proud of myself! A lot of people are saying that 2016 was a terrible year all-around, but I don't know. A lot happened. From Elections to Tragedies to deaths, but personally, I had a pretty fantastic year! 
My List for 2016, and I have to say, I did a pretty good job...
Read More!
Watch More Movies!
Catch up on Shows!!
Practice Japanese!
&&&& Spanish...!
Work on Poke'mon: Princess Debut!
Keep up with a Workout Routine!
Eat Healthy!
Get out of "Family Debt" (>v<)
Meet all the Disney & Universal Characters!
Actually GO SHOPPING!?
Hang out with Friends & Family/ Stop being a HERMIT!
At the beginning of 2016, I wasn't sure how I would be taking care of myself in the months to come. I was having to ask my family for money because I didn't have a job. Come mid-February, however, and had 2 jobs! Soon I was back working with Disney and starting a new job at Universal Orlando! I've made so many fantastic friends and have somehow been able to keep up with those across the big pond. I started attending auditions! Sure, I'm a long way from being an actual entertainer, but at least I'm working on it! I've been pretty good at taking care of myself- for the most part... I've even gotten out of the house and have hung out with my friends! Yay for fighting my inner introvert! One of my dearest friends asked me to be a Bridesmaid in her wedding &&& my mother got engaged! But oddly enough what I'm most proud of: I read 61 books!! I don't think I've read that many books in a good while..! I made sure to work on my shows (I doubt I'll ever actually be caught up on ALL of them), and I made sure to watch more movies as well. With so much good happening in my life, I can't help but have hope for the New Year! 

One thing I did have to sacrifice in order to accomplish a lot of what I did last year was any time for myself. Instead of resting or taking care of myself, I was forcing myself to work everyday and save money for future expenses. It upsets me that although I'm constantly working, I'm always broke and never have money, or simply TIME, for myself. At the start of this New Year, that's going to be my main focus. 

For 2017 I want to pamper myself- take care of myself- enjoy my time. 
I've made list of random purchases I plan to "splurge" on, since I never do that. My "Gift to Self" List.
And by taking care of myself,that also means getting my hair & nails & body taken care of regularly! (I even have a small collection of bath bombs that I am stoked to finally try out! *w*)
I may be starting this year out broke (what's new?), but at least I'm not in "Family Debt" anymore! I want to work a lot so I can have some actual spending money, but find that perfect balance between Work & Rest.From 2016 I plan to continue leaning towards Clean Eating Habits & Working Out.
Spend time out and about, hang out with my friends.
Explore Orlando/ Florida! Who knows how long I'll be here??
Continue to attend Auditions. Be confidant. Never Give Up!
Continue my Reading List that is ever-growing!!
Work on my Shows and watch more Movies.
Visit the parks and events, obviously!
And definitely work on my Languages! That is one thing I failed on this past year and would like to focus on this time around.
And, of course, continue to slowly work my Poke'mon: Princess Debut! I've let it go these past few months, but I thoroughly enjoy my time writing, so hopefully I'll be able to stick to it.

There's certainly a lot happening in these next few months for me: moving to a new apartment, family visits, birthday... I have to be careful not to fall into what I know best: working all the time and never taking care of myself. I want this year to be different. I don't want to have to worry about how I'm going to pay for rent, worrying about hanging with my friends because I don't have the time or money. My absolute main focus this year will be to find that Happy Medium between Work and Rest. Last year I made a lot of progress in my "New Year's Resolutions," and I know this year I will as well. 

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