Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October Wishlist...

And again, I am so behind on everything in life!!
Buuuuut, I refuse to fall too behind on my Blogging! One thing I learned from this weekend's Extravaganza, was to never give up and to just keep working, it will all work out in the end! So that's what I'm going to do! I'll just have to have a 2week's worth of a Horror Movie Marathon! But for now, I really wanted to post this: My month's Wishlist!
I don't usually post about "Wish Lists," but I realized that there were so many things coming out in October that I want so baaaaad!! Firstly, Ariana Grande's 1st Album, "Yours Truly," was released in September & I have yet to go out and buy it!! I listen to it all of the time on Spotify, but I need to buy the CD for car rides! I love Ari's powerhouse voice so much, and her music is so gorgeous! I can't wait till I finally have it! 
Miley's new CD came out at the beginning of the month as well! I honestly don't care what anyone says, I absolutely love Miley's music, and I always have. I have yet to listen to the whole album, but I need this one to add to my collection! And kudos to you, Miley, for being you no matter what anyone says!
The next big release was Rick Riordan's The House of Hades! You can only imagine how upsetting I was when I realized I currently didn't have the funds to preorder a copy! I have been waiting for a year to read this & I CAN'T! Also, Riordan needs to STOP posting on Instagram about his book tour, because it just continues to depress me!! (>__<)
And we can't forget the release of this fabulous game!!! This is all my friends have been talking about all summer and I can't believe I don't have the money to go buy it right now! This is also the only game I've followed from its announcement, sneak-peaks, and everything! Everyone has theirs already, and it is driving me crazy that I can't play it!! (T - T)
The new line of Herbalife SKIN was announced this weekend at Extravaganzaaaaa!!!! It looks so amazing and I can't wait to place my order!! And it's so reasonably priced for all that it offers!!
And lastly, this beauty is back!! The Pumpkin flavored Formula 1 for Herbalife is so amazingly delicious, but it's only available during the holiday season! This year, I plan on buying a couple of canisters in order to keep a stock on-hand!

There you have it, my October Wishlist! I really hope I can raise enough funds to get it all!! Of course, my bills should always come first, and there is always Christmas... But I would still love to be able to work my butt off these next few weeks and just buy it all on my own!

Sincerely Yours,
Lisette Monique Diaz
ৎ꒰ ¯ิ̑﹃ ¯ิ̑๑꒱ુ ୭ ~Sweet Dreams~ ৎ꒰ ¯ิ̑﹃ ¯ิ̑๑꒱ુ ୭ 

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