Saturday, October 15, 2011

Early Move-In

August 17, 2011

 Mom, Nicky, & I drove up to Dallas on the 16th and stayed at my Aunt Sharon & Uncle Jesse's for the night. The next afternoon, Kim called to let me know that she was given permission to move in earlier! So, we all drove up to North Texas and started unpacking the truck! It was intense moving all of my CRAP 5floors up... The mini fridge was the hardest... -_- We decided that we wanted our beds higher, so our moms worked together to organize the beds. But, with our luck, MY bed happened to be broken. So, Mom decided, since our suite-mates weren't here, "Let's just switch out the beds!" Besides stealing their good bed, we also took an extra set of drawers and gave them our 2extra chairs... We're so nice! 
 After we moved everything in, we headed out for some shopping (food, hangers, cleaning supplies, etc) and that night, Kim & I had to leave for a Band Meet & Greet. They were serving pizza, and we got to meet all of the drum majors and faculty of the music department. Dr. Williams, the music department head, is a really funny guy! It's so nice to have a new director... Afterwards, Mom decided that she was just going to stay over in the other room, rather than drive the 5hours back. It was weird having to sleep in a new bed...

 The next day was the first day of Band Camp, the first day of a new life, and my last day as fully dependent child. I teared up when I said bye to Mom & Nicky. ONLY because the two of them were crying!! &I had to keep reassuring Nicky that I'd see him soon! It was a funny/sweet moment! But, I knew that it was time for goodbyes & that I was ready to start anew! North Texas, Here I Come!! ^-^

The one thing the I absolutely loved about being able to move in early: missing all the mayhem and crowd... Because I saw Kerr Hall when everyone else was moving in & it was CHAOS... 
Thanks Green Brigade!!

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