Monday, October 19, 2015

Sick Days...

I've been at Disney for more than 2months now!
I work almost everyday, and when I'm not working I try to relax and maybe watch shows and movies.  Before I had zero dollars to my name every week I would usually spend a day off at one of the parks... Sadly, with bills and old debts needing to be paid off, I have no moneys practically ever! (>x<;) SO, I've been spending every day off inside, in my apartment, where I'm not tempted to spend money that I don't have, haha.
I've gotten accustomed to my simple daily routine: chill and hang out, maybe clean, then drive off to work in the afternoon. Work for 8hrs, then it's back home for bed. These past two weeks, however, have been a little different. Why? Because I've been SICK!! It's been the most annoying thing!
Now, Lisette never gets sick, and when I do, it's only for a few days. I'll feel like total crap one day, but I'd be done with it real quick, no problem! This time around, I've been sick for 2 WEEKS! At first it was just a cough, then I had headaches and a fever... I would be freezing under all my layers and blankets even though my body was so warm... Sometimes I would feel lightheaded and dizzy- eventually, I looked it all up and realized I had a stupid fucking COLD. Just in its strongest form. For the 1st week I was surviving on water, tea with honey, and few hours of sleep due to nighttime coughing fits. But the best part?? I still had to work..! Of course, it was my choice to not call-in, but I needed the money!! And, of course, during the time of me being sick, I'm working 10/12hours everyday! ( ; _ ; ) Just a few days ago I got the worst symptom: my hearing has gone wonky. Basically, my left ear has been like it has water in it (technically excess air) and there's nothing I can do about it... I can hear, just not as well as I should...
So that's been me these past couple weeks... Just dealing with life, struggling through the dumbest thing ever: BEING SICK. It's been so fucking annoying... I don't know how people do this on a normal basis... On the bright side, I don't feel as awful as I did, so hopefully that means it's almost passed. I also learned how to make homemade chicken soup from scratch, so that's cool..! (-u-)

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