~*Friday, April 17th*~
As I've mentioned, this past Spring semester I took a Movement II class & it was absolutely amazing! I had been wanting to take this class since my first year at UNT and it was so worth the wait! We got to learn and do so many things that I never had done before- I'm going to miss it so much!
The circus day was really what I was looking forward to all semester! As many people know, I absolutely love Acrobatics, Circus Skills, Stunts, and everything in-bewteen. I couldn't wait to get to work on the silks!! (*w*)
1st Attempt at Inverting |
This wonderful place is known as The Lone Star Circus (
http://www.lonestarcircus.com), located here in the DFW area. The space is shared with a Gymnastics studio and they each have classes for children and adults. If ever given the opportunity, everyone should visit!
Starlet Mattie |
We began the day with a Trampoline Warm-Up. With very little trampoline experience under my belt, after the few minutes we spent in various trampoline circuits, I was already exhausted..! After the trampoline we were allowed to play in the foam pit! It was a lot of fun, but once you went in, it was quite the struggle to swim out! I have videos from both the trampoline and the foam-pit, and when I get the chance, I would love to share them!
Strike a Pose! |
Finally we began work on the silks. We were each separated to our own silks and then taught the basics of wrapping our hands, where to hold our arms, and being able to support ourselves. We worked on Inversions, various Poses, and how to Climb.
A Whole New World |
Being inverted was surprisingly very comfortable and quite relaxing- easily my favorite. The different poses were fun to work and beautiful to watch; however, climbing was so not... I just could not do it! (>_<) With no abdominal or upper arm strength, I got no where, haha. But it was awesome to see some of the others reach the top!
Flawless David |
After we had learned all that was necessary, our instructor let us go free! As long as we stayed on the circus half of the space, we could play with anything. Besides silks, there were trapeze, an aerial hoop and a couple of tightropes. Of course, since this was a place for beginners to learn, everything was close to the ground for safety purposes, but it was still so much fun!!
Angelic Sahara |
Needless to say, I was extremely sore throughout the next week! The pain was so worth it, though. Before the end of the year we visited one more time (post soon to come), and although I was still unable to climb very far, I had a blast! My new summer goal: make it to the top of the silk!! I absolutely can not wait till I can go back to play! (^-^)
I'm a Kaleido Star |
I've always been in love with circus skills since I first watched Kaleido Star so many years ago. I've always dreamed of getting to do the things Sora did and to play on the trapeze and everything else, and finally I have! Just goes to show: if you work hard and never give up, Dreams Do Come True! <3
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