You know, lots of people talk big about getting fit and going to the gym at the start of the New Year, but do you know how many of those same people fall back into old habits by the 2nd month?? In the past I've been pretty good at keeping up with excising, even if just a little bit. I'm also fortunate to work in an environment where I am constantly moving. These past few months; however, I've seemed to have hit a rut. Not only am I busy all the time, without having a friend or some sort of motivator to push me into working out, my times at the gym have become less and less. I just get bored...
February-March Fitness Goals:
Get Fit/ Tone-Up
Drop 10-20lbs
Exercise on a Regular Basis AND Keep it Up!
Along with the working out, I'll have to keep myself tamed when it comes to my food habits as well. For example, actually eating breakfast. I know I've gotten back into my shakes, which have been fantastic. And, Lisette, just ignore the Wendy's! I know it's just across the street, but you can do it!! By combining the two, Eating Better and Working Out Regularly, it shouldn't be hard to fulfill my goals!!
Looking for gym workouts? Click: fitness moves