Everyone has at least one Social Media Platform now-a-days.
I remember the time of MySpace and the early years of FaceBook, but now there are so many! I never fall into the hole without a little help from others, and I always have a good reason for keeping up with them. But rather than tell myself it's ok to have all this Social Media, I figured if I put it all out there, it would make a little more sense.
Facebook- Lisette Monique Diaz
How & Why?
My grandma asked my whole family to create FaceBook accounts so she could help her fish tank...... True Story.... (-u-;) For about a year, I didn't actually use my account. I was connected to the few friends I knew that had FaceBook, but like the rest of my family, I made my account to feed into my grandma's game addiction. Lol She had access to all our accounts to take care of her fish, keep her farm grounds, and whatever else she was growing online... Eventually I found those games myself, and that's all I would do on FaceBook. Then it got to the point where so many of my friends were online, posting random life updates. I was even able to find friends from when I was in elementary school! FaceBook became a place to connect with people, although I was always busy and traveling, I was still able to know what was happening in my friend's lives. That's the most important aspect of FaceBook. Oh, and photos, of course! I'm constantly taking pictures, so the fact that I could share that with family and friends (mainly my grandma who lived so far away), made it all worth it.
I know there are some people that are extremely strict with releasing their full name online, but now-a-days, everyone has such easy access to information. There's really no point in keeping secrets. Besides, seeing as how I plan on making my way to the "Hollywood Scene" in the next chapter of my life, might as well get my name out now!
YouTube- TsuChibi's Castle
How & Why?
Like everyone today, I have a youtube account, mainly for entertainment purposes. I was there during the beginning of viral videos: Evolution of Dance, Cows, Cows, Cows, Charlie Bit My Finger, Shoes- you name it. (I'm old). Before being a youtube star was a thing, it was just a place to put up videos for people to watch and be entertained: the new version of America's Funniest Home Videos!
I made a couple of baby videos in my day. Online auditions for VO Roles, a couple of little covers of Anime Songs, I've even done a couple of little vlogs. And although I (like so many others) would love to make more youtube videos of... whatever the hell I can think of, I just don't have the time..! Hopefully in the months/years to come, but for now, it's just a main source for all things Jenna Marbles and other entertainment.
Twitter- TsuChibi_Castle
How & Why?
I remember quite clearly how my friend continued to bug me about making a Twitter account. It was so fun to talk to people. (Basically like texting except with Followers instead..?) I didn't see the point. But by that point I actually had an account already. But for completely unrelated reasons: an Anime Convention. That's right. Twitter was one of the first Social Media Platforms companies and major events chose to use for up-to-date information. Who knew?? The 1st year Anime Expo took to Twitter, I had no choice but to make an account. I needed to know everything that was happening, as it was happening! But as soon as the con was over, I didn't even touch the account. At least, for a year. But once my friends convinced me to jump back on the bandwagon, it was all downhill from there. I was addicted to Tweeting. I Tweeted every chance I had. This was a platform that was meant for sharing your internal thoughts and opinions on, well, everything..! Whether I was "BORED. Sitting in Math Class!" or "Dying of hungerrrr! Can't wait for 4th Period Lunch!" or even talking about the latest episode of an Anime I was watching. Twitter was so easy. And it was a fun place to talk with people who shared your opinions. Twitter is also currently my only Social Media that I feel free to speak my thoughts (including any and all cursing). With no family members following me, I feel no need to keep myself restrained. And that's the fun part about it. (^-^)
Instagram- TsuChibi_Castle
How & Why?
As with most Social Media Platforms, I hear on and on about how fantastic they are and people keep insisting on me making an account. But I usually ignore them. Instagram was the latest craze, and I had gone a year without ever feeling the desire to use it. Until I was at Disney World on vacation. One of the girls with us who had an Instagram explained it to me. It's just as good as FaceBook and Twitter except with Photos. Now we were talking. Since I'm constantly taking pictures, Instagram seemed to be the Social Media Platform made just for me! And for a time, I was more obsessed with Insta than any of the others..! Instagram was also the first time I created "TsuChibi_Castle" as a Username! Afterwards, I spread the name to my other accounts and it stuck.
Now-a-days, half of my Insta posts are actual pictures of what I'm doing with my life while the other half is equally split into my most recent read or screenshots that I thought were funny... Lol I should fix that...
SnapChat- HerbaLee_24
(only because it's connected to my Herbalife Google Account. boooo)
How & Why?
This one is a bit of a two-parter. Before I left to work at Disney Kim forced me to make an account. It was the main Social Media Platform she used and wanted me to share it with her. I tried and tried and didn't really understand... I hardly used it. Come to find out while on my Program- everyone had a SnapChat! Man, I was missing out! So I finally buckled down and made my friends show me how to use it. How I described it- Pretty much like combing Instagram (by using photos and videos), with the Twitter concept of keeping things short and concise. 10second videos of life. Your or someone else's. Brilliant..! Then they added in the Filters and made SnapChat its very own entity. My main deal with SnapChat was that once all my friends left for home across the pond (Australia, the U.K., France, China, etc...) I would still be able to see what they were doing with their lives.

While other Social Media Platforms are trying to keep up with this new monster, SnapChat, other platforms are popping up. (These are my main). But honestly, they each have their own purpose. FaceBook- the true original after stealing the idea from MySpace, I'm sure Lol. But a place to share your lives and keep up with friends from all over the world. Insta is for the photos and videos- you can edit all you want and share them with the world- a true Kodak Moment. Twitter is for the nagging thoughts in your head (while most people use Facebook for that as well, I'll stick to my little blue birdie). Being forced to keep your posts short, sweet, and concise is the challenge, but is perfect for all the best freakout moments while watching the premiere of your favorite TV series. And finally SnapChat- the brilliant ghosty that catches the best and most bizarre snippets of everyday life.
While there are those people (and I know several) that are still quite wary of Social Media and how it's "ruined society," I'd disagree. While it's true that people are more obsessed with their phones than the people around you, they're also much more connected to the people and world. Thanks to Social Media (for all the bad that's brought), the world has never been so connected as before. It's the power of the internet- and with it, knowledge of the world is at our fingertips, so why not Share it with others??