Sunday, October 30, 2011
Chibi Forms!
Since we put a Dry Erase Board in our bathroom,
I've been drawing little Chibi Forms of me, Kim,
& our SuiteMates, Tanja, Martha & Kelsey!
& of course, they're Animal Themed!
Pumpkin Seeds?
Kim got a box today with a BUNCH of Halloween stuffs. & she didn't like them, so I took the Pumpkin Seeds. They were a little weird, at first, but I actually think they taste good! ^-^
Halloween Party
Kim & I hosted a small Halloween Party for just a couple of our friends. But since it was Kim's idea & I had no extra time on my hands, she cooked everything & bought the decorations... >.<
Mu Epsilon Kappa Halloween Matsuri!
Snow White!
I love taking pictures of myself!
However Conceited that sounds!
I figured that I needed one of me smiling:
I love SemiProfile Pics:
& Pouty Faced:
Disney Girls!
It's the Halloween Season Again
& I'm Loving my New Costume!
~Snow White~
& Keeping with the Disney Theme:
Kim's Light Up Costume
Thursday, October 27, 2011
That Anime Show
"Wanna get the inside scoop on your favorite shows? How about behind the scenes stories from other anime insiders? That Anime Show has got what you want and so much more! Terri Doty and J. Michael Tatum like to talk a lot about anything, everything, and nothing... Won't you join them?
WARNING: The views expressed on That Anime Show are odd and sometimes involve a lot of expletives."
As someone who strives to join these AMAZING people, I love getting the inside on the business!
Aaaand I get to be immensely entertained the whole time!
But what's funny: after I listen to an episode I head straight to FB & add that person!
Now, I don't know if some of them KNOW they don't know me, but since I have so many friends in common with them, they usually add me!
~Don't worry, one day we'll all be BEST FRIENDS~
Guests they've had SO FAR:
Josh Grelle, Joel McDonald, Stephen Hoff, Tia Ballard, Anastasia Munoz, Alexis Tipton, Micah Solusod, Maxey Whitehead, Stephanie Young, Brina Palencia, Bryan Massey, Chris Burnett, Chris Cason, Jamie Marchi, Eric Vale, Monica Rial, Cynthia Cranz, Aaron Dismuke, Antimere Robinson, Caitlin Glass, Carli Mosier, David Brehm, Todd Haberkorn, Jean-Luc Hester, Greg Ayres, Chris Ayres, Ian Sinclair, The Unofficial One Piece Podcast (Zach, Steve, Jason, Ed, & Manny), Scott Freeman, Trina Nishimura, Cherami Leigh, Robert McCollum, && Mike McFarland!!!
Ciel Phantomhive!
Another Dream Cosplay would be CIEL PHANTOMHIVE!!
I think this is the most ADORABLE costume of his!
& I actually wouldn't mind THIS being my FIRST!
Sakura Kinnamoto Cosplay
My Ultimately FAVORITE Anime Character!!
I can't wait for the day when I get to cosplay Sakura Kinnamoto!
My Dream Cosplay
I have yet to Cosplay, but WHEN I DO I want to Cosplay Sakura from The Sealed Card:
& If I have a Boyfriend, I would have to force him to be Syaoran!!
The Vibrator Play
Our second field trip for my Theatre Freshmen Seminar class was to Dallas's Kitchen Dog Theatre! Known by both names, The Vibrator Play or In The Next Room, by Sarah Ruhl was one of the most amazing plays I have ever seen! Going into this, I thought that by the name, it was going to be all about sex and vibrators. Luckily, I was proven wrong!
Taking place in the 1880s, just after the idea of electricity being in a household came to fruition, The Vibrator Play was a spectacular story about marriages going awry due to miscommunication and loneliness. Characters: Mrs.Givings, mother to a newborn, learns she is unable to produce a sufficient amount of milk for her baby; Mr.Givings, well known doctor and creator of the first vibrator; Mrs.Daldry, a young woman married to a wealthy older man whom she is bored of; Mr.Daldry, an older man who wishes only for a lively beautiful wife for company; Elizabeth; a black worker for the Daldrys who becomes a wet nurse for the Givings; Mr.Irving, a rambunctious painter who falls in love too quickly; &Annie, the lonely assistant to the doctor. Mr.Givings has invented a devise to help cure sick women by giving them orgasms & has been treating women quite successfully! But he has failed in keeping his darling, lively wife company. Mrs.Givings is upset that her husband spends all hours locked up in his office & when he leaves, he goes off to the bar leaving her at home with her malnourished baby. After hiring Elizabeth as a wet nurse, Mrs. Givings realizes that now, no one needs her & tries desperately to get her husband's attention, even if that means falling for a rouge painter. Mrs.Daldry has been having a rough time & doesn't know why, but after receiving the vibrating treatments she feels much better & continues to return just for a few minutes of bliss.
The story goes off into multiple issues of society and is an absolutely beautiful story full of romance and comedy! Every time the women, or Mr.Irving, would visit The Other Room, the audience would move forward in their seats waiting to laugh again. The acting was fantastic all around, and the set was beautiful. With the design of The Kitchen Dog Theatre, the stage was again in a weird format. There was a frontal and side view, but where I was sitting, I was actually on the stage! The set stretched all the way out into the audience, so the seats where I was, was in "The Other Room" & all of the actors would walk right by and undress into their undergarments barely a foot away. It was an amazing experience, and the cast was so nice! At the end, when we got to talk to them, they were all very insightful and passed out hugs like candy! Definitely a play to see, if you want to have a good time laughing and experiencing a beautiful story!
Taking place in the 1880s, just after the idea of electricity being in a household came to fruition, The Vibrator Play was a spectacular story about marriages going awry due to miscommunication and loneliness. Characters: Mrs.Givings, mother to a newborn, learns she is unable to produce a sufficient amount of milk for her baby; Mr.Givings, well known doctor and creator of the first vibrator; Mrs.Daldry, a young woman married to a wealthy older man whom she is bored of; Mr.Daldry, an older man who wishes only for a lively beautiful wife for company; Elizabeth; a black worker for the Daldrys who becomes a wet nurse for the Givings; Mr.Irving, a rambunctious painter who falls in love too quickly; &Annie, the lonely assistant to the doctor. Mr.Givings has invented a devise to help cure sick women by giving them orgasms & has been treating women quite successfully! But he has failed in keeping his darling, lively wife company. Mrs.Givings is upset that her husband spends all hours locked up in his office & when he leaves, he goes off to the bar leaving her at home with her malnourished baby. After hiring Elizabeth as a wet nurse, Mrs. Givings realizes that now, no one needs her & tries desperately to get her husband's attention, even if that means falling for a rouge painter. Mrs.Daldry has been having a rough time & doesn't know why, but after receiving the vibrating treatments she feels much better & continues to return just for a few minutes of bliss.
The story goes off into multiple issues of society and is an absolutely beautiful story full of romance and comedy! Every time the women, or Mr.Irving, would visit The Other Room, the audience would move forward in their seats waiting to laugh again. The acting was fantastic all around, and the set was beautiful. With the design of The Kitchen Dog Theatre, the stage was again in a weird format. There was a frontal and side view, but where I was sitting, I was actually on the stage! The set stretched all the way out into the audience, so the seats where I was, was in "The Other Room" & all of the actors would walk right by and undress into their undergarments barely a foot away. It was an amazing experience, and the cast was so nice! At the end, when we got to talk to them, they were all very insightful and passed out hugs like candy! Definitely a play to see, if you want to have a good time laughing and experiencing a beautiful story!
Spring Awakening
In my Freshmen Theatre Seminar, we got to take 2field trips! The first one was to Addison, Tx's Water Tower Theatre. The Water Tower Theatre was a great stage! The stage was in the center of a large room and the audience was watching all around from left to right and front. I was very different because the performance really did have great way of performing to all sides. The ushers sat among the audience and during some songs would jump up and start singing and was so cool!
I had only heard the name of this play, others were very excited to see it, and even Carolyn told me that she had wanted to see it. So, I had high expectations & boy did they do it justice! Until that night, I didn't know that Spring Awakenings was a musicals & I loooove musicals! The play takes place in Germany 1896 and is about teenagers and their sexual frustration. Sex, and what can happen afterwards, is a foreign concept to most of them; so when the main girl winds up pregnant, she has no idea how it happened. It was a really beautiful story, with lots of drama amongst the characters and their society. I teared up at a couple of points, but I refused to allow myself to actually CRY in public! The music and story was spectacular and I definitely recommend it to anyone who's willing to watch a story of love, drama, sex, comedy, and society flaws.
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf
The first show to go up at UNT was "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf"! Now, I had never seen it, never even heard of it! But, like I've said hundreds of times, I am so excited to expand in my knowledge of plays! I had heard that this was an AMAZING show, so I was really looking forward to it! And, being a Theatre Major, I got my Free ticket & was ready for Opening Night!
The play took place in a small studio, and the set was so nice to look at! I was in awe by how it looked all together thinking:"Hey! I painted that fireplace! & that platform & wall & floor & did those vines!" It was so cool... Now, the play consists of 4characters: Martha (the main wife), George (the main husband), Honey (the other wife), and Nick (the other husband). The story goes: George, a History Professor, is married to the daughter of the President of the University, Martha. The two are sadly, & madly, in love by the fact that they are always messing with each other. George is not happy with his career position & Martha ridicules him all of the time.
The night the story takes place, the two had just returned from a Faculty meeting and are drinking at their home at 1AM. Martha has invited a couple she met at the party to their home, Honey & Nick, and George is upset that she did. Honey & Nick arrive & everything takes off from their. There's drama, drinking, craziness, comedy, sadness, sassiness, and a twist!
I loved seeing these actors do so well! It was an absolutely great performance and everything was spectacular! I really recommend it, AMAZING story & a GREAT ending!
The play took place in a small studio, and the set was so nice to look at! I was in awe by how it looked all together thinking:"Hey! I painted that fireplace! & that platform & wall & floor & did those vines!" It was so cool... Now, the play consists of 4characters: Martha (the main wife), George (the main husband), Honey (the other wife), and Nick (the other husband). The story goes: George, a History Professor, is married to the daughter of the President of the University, Martha. The two are sadly, & madly, in love by the fact that they are always messing with each other. George is not happy with his career position & Martha ridicules him all of the time.
The night the story takes place, the two had just returned from a Faculty meeting and are drinking at their home at 1AM. Martha has invited a couple she met at the party to their home, Honey & Nick, and George is upset that she did. Honey & Nick arrive & everything takes off from their. There's drama, drinking, craziness, comedy, sadness, sassiness, and a twist!
I loved seeing these actors do so well! It was an absolutely great performance and everything was spectacular! I really recommend it, AMAZING story & a GREAT ending!

The next home game's we also won:
UNT vs Florida~ 31-17
UNT vs ULM ~ 38-21
So, we seem to be doing a good job after years of LOSING! I just guess us Freshmen are good luck charms! ^-^
College Football!
My FAVORITE part of band has definitely become Marching Band! Football games, though I hardly understand the game, have always been tons of fun; just hanging out with all of my friends! But now, they're not even here!! And we don't have crazy bus rides, so it's kinda hard to bond with everyone... I do like how lax everything is (not having to be PERFECT in the stands) and having a PreShow.
Now, the differences:
- We walk to the stadium
- Having Practice IN our Uniforms
- Pep Band Duties (playing for Alumni & other stuffs)
- Sectionals
- Marching through the Tailgaters to the Stadium (But I LOVE it)
- PreShow
- We don't actually play stand tunes... He calls them but stops us in between...
- We're cooler than Cheerleaders! (But I always knew that!)
- Staying after the game to play for fans!
- Marching out of the Stadium
Suzette's Birthday!
September 14th 2011
General Advising
Back in High School, my councilor knew me very well because I kept bugging her & talking to her about scheduling and "my future" and ALL THIS CRAP! So, I think it's funny having MULTIPLE advisors and I'm thinking, "They are going to know me VERY WELL!" ^-^
Sally Vahle is such a sweet lady. She's the Advisor for Theatre and the Voice Teacher, & every time I've visited her she's been very helpful! It's funny when I tell everyone my plans: DisneyCollege, Study Abroad, Teaching Certificate, && all of the classes I wanna take. So, I'm really looking forward to getting my classes for next semester!
Sally Vahle is such a sweet lady. She's the Advisor for Theatre and the Voice Teacher, & every time I've visited her she's been very helpful! It's funny when I tell everyone my plans: DisneyCollege, Study Abroad, Teaching Certificate, && all of the classes I wanna take. So, I'm really looking forward to getting my classes for next semester!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Financial Aid
Money is one thing that I've never had to flaunt. And I never minded... I remember my friends inviting me to do stuff, or I'd go on a school trip & would either have to decline, because I couldn't pay for it, or I'd have to ask my dad if I could have money, and I hated having to ask. I never wanted to have to depend on Dad in order to do simple things like go to the movies or eat with some friends, but that was my life. And when I WOULD have money, unless I needed to spend it on something, I always managed to blow it all on things for me... I would feel so selfish, even if I never had got to spend on myself.
Now, thanks to Financial Aid and government money, I have TOO much money! But the good thing with never having had lots of spending money, I'm really good at saving it! All I used my Financial Aid for is paying for Housing for the semester, buying my books, and helping with some groceries. And just a few times have I gone out with friends and actually paid for my own meal! It feels great being able to take care of things on my own!
The only headache was waiting for the Financial Aid to set in. I had to take out an emergency loan so I would have money for school books and all the crap we had to do to just GET them to give me the Financial Aid... Uuuugh... But, I have it NOW & I plan on making sure it stays saved! I WON'T spend it, unless I have to- like for Christmas presents! Besides, I wanna be sure I have TONS of money for the summer! It just feels so nice to actually have the money! Even though I don't have to spend it! ^-^
Now, thanks to Financial Aid and government money, I have TOO much money! But the good thing with never having had lots of spending money, I'm really good at saving it! All I used my Financial Aid for is paying for Housing for the semester, buying my books, and helping with some groceries. And just a few times have I gone out with friends and actually paid for my own meal! It feels great being able to take care of things on my own!
The only headache was waiting for the Financial Aid to set in. I had to take out an emergency loan so I would have money for school books and all the crap we had to do to just GET them to give me the Financial Aid... Uuuugh... But, I have it NOW & I plan on making sure it stays saved! I WON'T spend it, unless I have to- like for Christmas presents! Besides, I wanna be sure I have TONS of money for the summer! It just feels so nice to actually have the money! Even though I don't have to spend it! ^-^
Fall 2011 Schedule
Mondays: Japanese 1010 @ 11AM, English 1310 @ 1:30PM, Band Practice @ 4:15PM
Tuesdays: Theatre Freshmen Seminar @ 9:30AM, Japanese 1010 @ 11AM, Communications @1PM, Math @ 3:30PM
Wednesday: Japanese 1010@ 11AM, English 1310 @ 1:30PM, Band Practice @ 4:15PM
Thursday: Theatre Freshmen Seminar @ 9:30AM, Japanese 1010 @ 11AM, Communications @ 1PM, Math @ 3:30PM
Friday: Japanese Lab 1010 @ 11AM, Band Practice at 4:15PM & Sectionals @ 3:15PM
I also am in Stage ProductionI and I have to fulfill 24hours in Painting, 24hours in Make-Up, and 12hours Ushering. As of now, I need only 10hours of painting and I have yet to sign up for Make-Up hours and will be starting my ushering hours this month. And Friday's Band Practice changes depending on whether we have a football game, if so we have a later practice time. We also have to do PepBand duties, like PepRallies or playing for the Alumni Pavilion. So, I've managed to create a whole system where, on Mondays & Wednesdays, after Japanese I relax in the room, have lunch at 1PM, then English, and return to the room by 3PM to prep for Band Practice & leave by 3:55. Then, on Tuesdays & Thursdays, I hangout in the Language Computer Lab for 30minutes, and leave to Communications class in time to buy an Odwalla with my FlexAccount Money; then, by 2PM I keep to the room or run errands and make my way to Math at 3:30PM. At the end of the day, I watch tv, play on the internet, do homework, and random crap until after midnight. THEN~ I do it ALL OVER AGAIN! ^-^
Tuesdays: Theatre Freshmen Seminar @ 9:30AM, Japanese 1010 @ 11AM, Communications @1PM, Math @ 3:30PM
Wednesday: Japanese 1010@ 11AM, English 1310 @ 1:30PM, Band Practice @ 4:15PM
Thursday: Theatre Freshmen Seminar @ 9:30AM, Japanese 1010 @ 11AM, Communications @ 1PM, Math @ 3:30PM
Friday: Japanese Lab 1010 @ 11AM, Band Practice at 4:15PM & Sectionals @ 3:15PM
I also am in Stage ProductionI and I have to fulfill 24hours in Painting, 24hours in Make-Up, and 12hours Ushering. As of now, I need only 10hours of painting and I have yet to sign up for Make-Up hours and will be starting my ushering hours this month. And Friday's Band Practice changes depending on whether we have a football game, if so we have a later practice time. We also have to do PepBand duties, like PepRallies or playing for the Alumni Pavilion. So, I've managed to create a whole system where, on Mondays & Wednesdays, after Japanese I relax in the room, have lunch at 1PM, then English, and return to the room by 3PM to prep for Band Practice & leave by 3:55. Then, on Tuesdays & Thursdays, I hangout in the Language Computer Lab for 30minutes, and leave to Communications class in time to buy an Odwalla with my FlexAccount Money; then, by 2PM I keep to the room or run errands and make my way to Math at 3:30PM. At the end of the day, I watch tv, play on the internet, do homework, and random crap until after midnight. THEN~ I do it ALL OVER AGAIN! ^-^
Saturday, October 15, 2011
1st Day of College!
The weirdest thing about college (for me) was the fact that it started on a Thursday.... I mean, seriously? Why couldn't it be on Monday, like normal schools?? Well, I was ecstatic that my very 1st class was Theatre!! I LOVE my Theatre Freshmen Seminar class~ Everyone is so cool & nice! Dr.Wilson is hilarious and amazing too! Then, only 10minutes after Theatre, I have Elementary Japanese. I THOUGHT, since I was in college now, that Japanese was going to be harder... Boy was I wrong! In our first class, we learned the 1st 15Hiragana... And ever since, we've just been doing things that I ALREADY know how to do! THe only good thing I'm getting out of this class is a great review, && a chance to go to Japan this summer!^-^
On Tuesdays and Thursdays I don't have a lunch break. Since it's only an hour till my following class, I either run errands or go straight to the classroom. My communications teacher is amazing & I love her! She's so sweet and cool & she loves my group! And everyone in my class is so funny! I love going to class and just being able to laugh all the time. On our first day we did the typical "tell something about yourself" thing, & I found out that apparently I LOOK like I'm into Anime... I never thought that... O.o
Then, after my Communications class, I get an hour&a half break before I have to be in Math. I was kind of surprised by how NOT difficult the class was & I've even taken to listening to my MP3player & texting during class WHILE I'm taking notes. And the thing is, since Dulock just comes in, doesn't check attendance, and only writes notes on the board, he doesn't seem to mind...
I really did love the fact that I wasn't being rushed to get from one class to another. Without having that bell I don't feel hassled to get to & from class. And these little 15-90minute breaks I'm allowed really helps! But, the breaks and the lack of bells also kills because we're not "REQUIRED" to attend classes. I mean, we ARE paying for the classes and we OUGHT to attend, but it's all up to the student to choose whether or not we actually go. ANd believe me, I've had a few times where I'm thinking, "WELL... It's not like he takes attendance... And I can learn all of the material online!"... But I still manage to make it to Math on time... And actually, it's interesting that I'm usually 10+minutes EARLY to my classes, because anyone who knows me KNOWS I'm typically late... >.< But it seems that in college I'm starting to turn a new leaf!
College Life
I'm a Big Girl Now!
For weeks people have asked me if I was nervous or excited to be going to college and living on my own. All I could say was,"I don't know..." I really couldn't figure out what I was feeling about this change. The one major thing that I was worried about, was that my mother was the one who always dealt with my money & school & I would have to ask her if I was allowed to go somewhere, I would always have chores or have to watch my brother while she was at work. My mom was the one who made sure I reached all of my deadlines & now, it was all up to me. I mean, I've always been independent when it came to my school work and taking care of myself so it's not exactly a big deal, but it's different. It feels like I'm just gone away on some AG trip, or how it is when I'm at my dad's. I KNOW how to take care of myself so it's never been a problem for me to stand on my own two feet. Unlike my sisters, who are always needing someone to turn to when a problem arises, I know how to take care of myself. But, of course, I know that if I ever DO need help, I can always call up my mom for advise. ^-^
Band Camp
August 18th- August 24th
It was different being led by the Drum Majors, having Field Techs, and having to run a "Victory Lap" EVERY practice. One thing I did like was the practices being more intense... Like they OUGHT to be! ...And there are a lot of shirtless guys, but that's just a bonus! ^-^
People may think that Marching Band isn't a sport, but that's because it's more than that! It's a full time job!! We'd have to wake up early for band practice, then after a break for 1hour&a half, we'd have sectionals for 3hours, then a 2hour break, followed by another band practice in the evening. It was so exhausting, even if it WAS for only a week... But I was quite glad when it was the 1st Day of School!
Early Move-In
August 17, 2011
Mom, Nicky, & I drove up to Dallas on the 16th and stayed at my Aunt Sharon & Uncle Jesse's for the night. The next afternoon, Kim called to let me know that she was given permission to move in earlier! So, we all drove up to North Texas and started unpacking the truck! It was intense moving all of my CRAP 5floors up... The mini fridge was the hardest... -_- We decided that we wanted our beds higher, so our moms worked together to organize the beds. But, with our luck, MY bed happened to be broken. So, Mom decided, since our suite-mates weren't here, "Let's just switch out the beds!" Besides stealing their good bed, we also took an extra set of drawers and gave them our 2extra chairs... We're so nice!
After we moved everything in, we headed out for some shopping (food, hangers, cleaning supplies, etc) and that night, Kim & I had to leave for a Band Meet & Greet. They were serving pizza, and we got to meet all of the drum majors and faculty of the music department. Dr. Williams, the music department head, is a really funny guy! It's so nice to have a new director... Afterwards, Mom decided that she was just going to stay over in the other room, rather than drive the 5hours back. It was weird having to sleep in a new bed...
The next day was the first day of Band Camp, the first day of a new life, and my last day as fully dependent child. I teared up when I said bye to Mom & Nicky. ONLY because the two of them were crying!! &I had to keep reassuring Nicky that I'd see him soon! It was a funny/sweet moment! But, I knew that it was time for goodbyes & that I was ready to start anew! North Texas, Here I Come!! ^-^
The one thing the I absolutely loved about being able to move in early: missing all the mayhem and crowd... Because I saw Kerr Hall when everyone else was moving in & it was CHAOS...
Thanks Green Brigade!!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
New Mac = New Blog
Haha, that's funny: I had said I was "coming back" a few weeks before I graduated.... But I didn't... I just didn't have the time! >.< BUT~ FOR SURE, I am COMING BACK... Now... I'm in College now & I have SO much free time! I just don't know what to do with myself! And besides, I'll be getting new MacBook tomorrow, so I'll be playing on it and will have PLENTY of time to Blog since I don't have Band practice!! WEWT! Ok, I think I should leave the library now, it's almost been 2hours...
Asta Le ByeBye!!
We'll See Ya Then!!
Guess Who's Back!
Well, I really haven't had the time to Blog recently! It's really sad & I want to get back into Blogging... Hopefully, I'll be able to Blog NEARLY as much as I Tweet! Although, I think that's impossible... Well, I can't wait to get started, or to start again, on Blogger!
We'll See Ya Then!
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